Friday, January 21, 2011

Crying Kids!

My Three year old is extremely sensitive. He cries all the time. He does the 'I don't want it the way your giving it to me' thing. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to flip my lid. I can't handle the incessant crying. I am going to try and put him on a stricter schedule and add more learning activities into his routine. I don't know what else to do. I am really hoping this will help.

Any Ideas?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dealing with Sick Kids

Matthew is teething, and so of course he is acting very sick and uncomfortable.  Tuesday was the worst of it. He wouldn't let me set him down and he slept off and on all day.  He didn't even want to get down to play, and that is very unusual for him.  Not to mention he had a slight fever the whole time, and I didn't want to put him in the bath, because he is going through the stage where he is afraid of the bath.  There was one point in the day that was pretty comical.  Samuel on this same day was constipated, so I set him up on the toilet, to do his business.  He was looking at me, crying, and pushing. At the same time I was holding Matthew who is in pain and crying.  Both kids in the bathroom in hysterics at the same time. I suppose it's not that funny now but on a day like that you just have to take what you get and make lemonade?!

p.s. Did I mention that Matthew woke up at 3am!  My nerves were a little frayed by the end of the day.  Luckily I took to laughing about my problems rather than getting upset.

p.p.s. Has a Dr. ever told you that kids don't get sick from teething?  So if your kid gets a fever or a runny nose its just a coincidence!  Ya, what a joke, thats pretty annoying!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Early Mornings

Matthew is not so good with the whole sleeping thing.  I have a hard time getting him to sleep past 5:30am.  Not to mention the occasional extra early mornings like today.  He woke me up at 4:30am. When I look at the clock and see it is that early I start getting really upset.  I find myself having to do the whole 'reminding myself I love this child' routine.  In this situation I don't know what else to do but to get up with him. When he was first born he would always wake up in the early morning to poop.  After an hour of being awake and a diaper change, of course, we would go back up to bed.  Now he is older, and I guess I thought he would grow out of that. He doesn't do it every day, but then again he doesn't poop everyday either.  I want to know if anyone else has had this same problem with their child, and what you did about it?  I figure I'll just wait it out and eventually he'll fix it on his own.  The only thing is I don't know if I can handle it much longer... Save me...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cleaning with my 3 year old

I was trying to be productive today, by wiping down all my kitchen cabinets. The instant I sat down to start, my three year old got right in front of me and starting shoving toys in my face. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. I immediately swatted it out of my face, and told him to go play. After which I felt guilty, and remorseful that I was so quick to get annoyed. I reminded myself "Hey this is your son, and you love him!" Then I gave him a rag and we finished cleaning the cabinets together. I wish I was always this quick to remember my love for him!

Please tell me, what are some other ideas?  I really don't get as much cleaning done with him on top of me.

I am an Average Mom

My Name is Rachel ruthless... I mean Rachel Ruth Luz, I am just an average mom trying to servive in the 'hood (Motherhood that is). My thoughts in creating this blog were to help other women see that they're not alone. There are other moms out there just like them.

I am a Christain and attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints weekly (I have to add that becuase that is the extent of my social life, and my foundation for most of the things I do). I try to read books with my kids daily, play with them, cook for them, clean the house, entertain myself, exercise weekly, take them to the park a couple times a week, and bath them every other day. By the end of the week I am usually wondering where the week went, and wanting to start over. I am even planning on starting home preschool with my kids. Can you say 'attempting to be Supermom'? Well let me tell you right now I am far from Supermom. My life is crazy. I hardly get through my list of things I want to do with my kids, self, and home but we have fun along the way. Join me in my journey. I invite you to learn from my mystakes and hopefully become a better mom. Our kids deserve the best. Leave comments to give me ideas and help me become 'Supermom'.